COMMENT: Be smart about this. Maybe this is Covid 2.0, Maybe it's very deadly, maybe its nothing in the big picture. Maybe they are trying to steal an election. Maybe not. We do not know at this time.
Pray for all who are sick and the doctors and nurses who are trying to help.
Keep this in mind, a few months ago we broke a story about how the next pandemic would focus on kids. The early reports of this is that it is focusing on kids. Pray Hard.
And keep in mind, this seems similar to 2019. Here is a comment I found on Hal Turner regarding this:
"BondGirl 54 minutes ago.
I actually believe this is being rolled out for a different reason and I also believe Covid was rolled out for the same reason: To mask the collapse of the financial system. In September-October 2019, the banking system was about to go insolvent- few know this. A thing called overnight REPO was imploding in that time. Magically, the "virus" was rolled out in China a month later. This made it possible to "lockdown" and stop the world's money velocity. It also made it possible for EVERY Rothschild private "central bank" across the planet to print endless amounts of local currencies without question. In fact, the Fed created 80% of ALL USD in 2020-2021. Meaning they quadrupled the money supply in months, diluting its value and it is responsible for the inflation we have now (and it is just the tip). A fraction of this newly created currency was INJECTED into the banking system to stop the overnight repo crisis and create "liquidity". As Hal has reported, UBS is now denying withdrawals, the bond clearinghouse has "deleted" bond/pension obligations. We know more than 4000 US banks are on the verge of insolvency and the USD has been downgraded. I believe Xi was in California last week to finalize this new pandemic so that, again, the Fed (and all Central Banks) will have the excuse to print endless currency to INJECT into their banking systems to extend this financial system another year. However, should this play out, HYPERINFLATION will destroy the currency and country by 2025."