COMMENT: Who knows what to make of this: Wednesday is March 22, 2023 = 3/22. Skull and Bones' 322 number is all over that day. Skull and Bones is 322 years old in 2023. "2023" is a reverse "322." I have heard 2023 being referred to as the "Year of Skull and Bones." Will something happen Wednesday? God knows...
Could the dollar collapse with massive inflation and WW3 all happen very quickly. I.e. Seals 2, 3, 4 with a year? Seal 5 could easily follow. Seal 6 is an earthquake and only takes a moment.
This from a commenter from another source:
After they sacrifice the dollar to save the banking structure the people will cry out for help, and introduce a digital monetary system to create Ordo Ab Chao. Once the shock wave is fully realized world wide, WWIII will become a reality, with the aftermath revealing the Son of Perdition promising a wonderful solution for all. With Digital Banking already at the ready, demonic AI computer control will come almost effortlessly, to the satisfaction of the many hungry mouths, crying out to worship this “Image of the Beast”. All businesses and industry must comply or die, along with the sheeple. Sodomites will pastor in the new religion. It well may be that individual states will become their own national entities and many will resist this satanic order. With Europe devastated and on it's knees, all the Islamic nations will form a union and the Ottoman Empire will again arise out of the ashes and become the 8th and final beast system as spoken in the Revelations of Jesus Christ. NOTE: (The Zionist Darby trained Evangelical pre-trib rapture cult will tell you that the Roman empire is the 8th beast system which is false as it was the 6th while John was on the island of Patmos, writing the Revelations. Scriptures plainly state that the 7th beast system will be “revitalized” and become the 8th and final system. After Rome, the Ottoman Empire spring up and became the 7th beast system for over 500 years, and received it's head wound in 1922.) “I also saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. These had not worshiped the beast or his image and had refused to receive his mark on their forehead or hand.” Revelation 20:4