Read Here: Russia Announces Nuclear Weapons Deploying to . . . . IRAN (Tue 03-15-22 @ 11:30AM)
Read Here: On the Edge of a Nuclear Abyss (Mon 03-14-22 @ 10:30AM)
Read Here: UH OH! Russia: "The United States has declared Economic War on Russia" (Wed 03-09-22 @ 12:30PM). Economic war always comes before military war.
Read Here: Ukraine-Russia war: Western officials 'seriously concerned' Putin could use chemical weapons (Wed 03-09-22 @ 12:30PM) I've heard this before. Maybe true, but they lied to us about chemical weapons in Iraq, or they were made in the USA and couldn't tell us.
Read Here: Ukrainian children’s hospital bombed by Russian forces: ‘Pure genocide' (Wed 03-09-22 @ 12:30PM) I've heard this before also. Maybe true, but they lied to us about Iraq taking babies of out incubators in Kuwait.
Read Here: A new iron curtain descends on Russia amid its invasion of Ukraine (Wed 03-09-22 @ 12:30PM). The Cold War is back.