From The Facebook Page (3-5-22): Geliia Faaye Gelitas Aguuiilerras
"Recently president Putin went on a rant on the history of Ukraine in trying to convey why he felt Ukraine belonged to the “motherland” of Russia. In his message he mentioned that the land of Ukraine historically was “Gomer”. As a student of prophecy naturally this peaked my curiosity and I did a little research. I found that Ukraine is in fact the ancient land of Gomer. Interestingly I found a connection with Gomer and the last days.
In the Bible there are 3 references to “Gomer”. The first mention is in Genesis 10:2 and 1 Chronicles 1:5. This was the grandson of Noah which I found very interesting. The second was in Ezekiel 38, most famously known for the War of Gog and Magog. It’s widely understood by many bible scholars that Magog is the region of modern day Russia . It’s interesting to note that in the Bible Gomer is the brother of Magog both sons of Japheth, son of Noah. The third mention of Gomer is in the book of Hosea. The Lord commands the prophet Hosea to take Gomer as his bride to prophetically and typologically illustrate the adulterous relationship between God [Hosea] and Israel [Gomer]. This story is found in Hosea 1 where their lives together illustrates prophetically the pain God experiences over the sin of idolatry in Israel seeking others gods.
This situation seems to single out 3 distinct nations; Russia , Ukraine and Israel . While also pointing to the time of Noah, (as in the Days of Noah), the land of Gomer/Ukraine and the War of Gog and Magog.
We’re living in prophetic days brothers and sister. These are perilous times but what exciting times for the Bible believing believers awaiting our Blessed Hope! Look up!"