· The U.K. Ministry of Defense and the German Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning Human stress that human augmentation needs to be a key area of focus to win future wars
· Human augmentation will not be restricted to the military ranks. It’s really a way to further separate classes of humans, with the rich and powerful elite eventually using their augmented “super-human” status as justification to rule everyone else
· The goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution — introduced and pushed by the World Economic Forum — is transhumanism, the merging of man with machine
· Human augmentation can directly affect behavior, either positively or to the detriment of that person
· In the transhumanist view, the human body is a “platform” that can be augmented in myriad ways, physically, psychologically and socially
This has wonderful applications to help people - but I would submit that in the wrong hands this could be very bad.