Read Here: Dr. Robert Malone, key inventor of mRNA vaccines perspective
Read Here: Center Square Newspaper Article (Original Source)
Watch The CEO Speak (Go To Minute 23)
Comment: So sad. So unfortunately, it looks like what we predicted is coming to pass. A few weeks ago at a Bible lesson we asked the Lord to lead us to what He wanted us to know. The theme was: Repent or die. Two years ago when we did the same thing the theme was: Woe to the Complacent. Covid hit shortly thereafter. I would consider very carefully: Repent or die.
The pro-vaxers would tell you that the death rate is from the unvaccinated that got covid. Even though, there are many, many examples of people dropping over dead after they've taken the jab. Oh wait, strokes and heart attacks are perfectly normal for health people in their 20s & 30s.